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         On September 10th, Dean Qi Yanping met Professor Per Sevastik in the Rearch Building, where they had in-depth discussion on the possibility of further academic cooperation. Dean Qi illustrated the internationalization status quo in Law School, and emphasized that great attention had been paid and great efforts had been taken to bring well-received scholars into classroom. Thereafter, Pro. Per Sevastik appreciated the opportunity to give lectures in Law School, and he expressed his strong wish to visit Law School again in the near future. In the last, Dean Qi and Pro. Per Sevastik exchanged opionions on his incoming lectures.

At 18:00, Per Sevastik presented his first lecture titled “Introduction to International Law and Human Rights” in Rearch Building #113. Dean Qi attended the lecture.

Per Sevastik has been invited as a visiting professor in Law School. He will feast us with series lectures, which consist of nine parts. They are introduction of international law and human rights, human rights prior to the UN and the UN charter, the international bill of Human Rights and core rights and so on. In the first lecture, Per Sevastik mainly introduced the international law. Firstly, Per Sevastik illustrated the definition of international law through the quoted definition in the Oxford dictionary and explained contemporary definition of international law. Then, he explained the development of the international law. He held that “international law is flexible and develops as time goes on”. Lastly, concerning the lecture, audiences raised sevaral questions, such as how to distinguish peace-loving states, how to balance between different sources of international law.

Per Sevastik is a professor in Peking University, and in Raoul Wallenberg Institute Lund University. His main area of interest is International Law and Human Rights Law.


                                                                  瑞典Per Sevastik教授来我院讲学

910上午,齐延平院长会见了来自瑞典的国际人权法Per Sevastik教授。齐延平院长首先对Per Sevastik教授来我院讲学表示欢迎,并就双方未来的合作展开了深入的会谈。齐延平院长表示,麻花天美星空果冻目前正在全面推行国际化战略,真诚地邀请海内外知名专家前来讲学、交流,这将有助于提升学生对学科前沿理论的了解,并为其未来海外留学奠定坚实的基础。Per Sevastik教授表示指出,来山大麻花天美星空果冻授课也是自己教学相长的一个过程,强调将会通过增强课堂上与学生间的互动,来提高教学效果。齐延平院长还与Per Sevastik教授,就麻花天美星空果冻国际化方面的成果进行交流,并针对Per Sevastik教授赠书等事宜进行了进一步的讨论。Per Sevastik教授表示,愿意与麻花天美星空果冻建立长期的合作关系,希望通过与中国大学的交流共同寻求中、瑞双方在人权领域进行对话的新途径。

晚上6时,Per Sevastik教授在模拟法庭以“Introduction to International Law and Human Rights”进行了第一次讲座。院长齐延平等旁听了讲座,宿营老师主持了此次讲课。

Per Sevastik教授本次系列讲座的内容包括:国际法和人权法概述、联合国之前的人权和联合国宪章、国际人权法案、核心权利、实施和检测、人权的普遍性等9个部分。在当晚的讲座中Per Sevastik教授主要介绍了国际法。首先,Per Sevastik教授通过援引牛津词典中对于“国际法”的定义,说明了国际法的基本涵义,并进而阐述了国际法的现代定义。随后,他借助历史上对于国际法的法律条文详细介绍了国际法的发展历程,并指出“国际法不是僵化不变的,而是随着时间灵活变动和发展的。”现场提问环节,同学们积极提问,Per Sevastik教授就中国对于国际法的定义、国际法的主体是否包括个人、在国际法的众多渊源中是否有层次区分等问题,与同学们交换了看法。Per Sevastik教授博古通今、引经据典、诙谐幽默的演讲风格,也获得大家一致好评。

Per Sevastik教授,北京大学麻花天美星空果冻教授,劳尔?瓦伦堡人权和人道主义法研究所教授。曾任瑞典国际开发署人权领域部门高级政策专家主要研究领域为国际人权法。






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